
[ESH 2010]北京·讲者——张宇清教授个人简介

作者:国际循环网   日期:2010/4/9 10:02:00





    Dr. Yuqing Zhang, MD. Division of Hypertension, Fu Wai Hospital, Chinese Academy Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China.He received his doctorate from the Postgraduate School of Chinese Academy Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College in 2000. During his training period, he was involved in several clinical trials including phase II and post marketing trials of several antihypertensive agents. He was also involved in multicenter, outcome trials in hypertension including Syst-China and FEVER studies. He is the coordinator of the FEVER study in which calcium antagonists and diuretics were studied in 9800 hypertensive patients. He has published more than 20 papers including many original research papers. He is the coordinator of the 11th National Five-year Plan Project- Chinese Hypertension Intervention Efficacy Study (CHIEF Study). He also works for the ongoing study of Chinese High Normal Blood Pressure Study (CHINOM).

    He is a council member of the Chinese Hypertension League and a vice secretary of the Beijing Hypertension Society. He is also a committee member of the 2005/2010 Chinese Hypertension Guideline.



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