[AHA2010]高血压患者心血管危险因素筛查评价——V. Papademetriou教授专访
<International Circulation>: Some researchers think there are few hypertensive patients who have no other cardiovascular risk factors. What do you think about this point?
prof Papademetriou: This is true primarily for the older patients. Usually they have high cholesterol, many of them have diabetes, and most of them are obese and lead sedentary lifestyles. Hypertensive patients in general tend to have a lot of other risk factors, but occasionally, I would say in about 20-30% of the younger hypertensives, you may not be able to pinpoint other risk factors, but for the majority you can. This is not only an age factor; it is part of what we call the metabolic syndrome. Those patients who have hypertension have other concurrent factors related to the metabolic syndrome and these things come together as a package.