
[APCC2011]Nathan D. Wong教授介绍心脏病指南丛书

作者:  NathanD.Wong   日期:2011/5/18 14:46:27



    Nathan D. Wong  美国加州大学欧文分校医学院

    <International Circulation>: I know you are working on a new book that is being translated into Chinese by Professor Hu Dayi and his group. Can you give us a brief introduction to this project?


    Prof. Wong: This is the first textbook on preventive cardiology which is part of the Braunwald’s Heart Disease Companion series. The book has been released and is called “Preventive Cardiology: A Companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease” and it has been completed and was recently released at the ACC Scientific Sessions in March. The book includes 36 chapters written by noted authors around the world who are experts in preventive cardiology. It was edited by Roger Blumenthal from Johns Hopkins University, JoAnne Foody from Harvard University, and myself from the University of California Irvine. We are also pleased to say that Professor Hu Dayi who is President of the Chinese Society of Cardiology has assembled a team of experts who will be translating this book and it will hopefully be available around the time of the Great Wall Congress of Cardiology this October.

    Wong教授:这是第一本预防心脏病的教科书,而起它也是布朗.威的心脏病指南丛书之一。这本叫做“预防心脏病:布朗.威心脏病的指南之一”,它已经完成并且已经在今年的ACC会议上公布。全书包括36个章节,都是由享誉世界的心脏病预防专家所撰写,有来自约翰霍普金斯大学的Roger Blumenthal教授、来自哈佛大学的JoAnne Foody教授以及加州大学欧文分校的我。我们非常高兴的是中华医学会心血管病学分会主任委员胡大一教授还成立了专家小组,专门将这本书翻译成中文版本,并且有望在今年10月的长城会上与大家见面。

版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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