
[GWICC2014]加强学术合作,传递ESC 2014年会热点

——ESC前主席Michel Komajda专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2015/1/22 11:12:34



  Michel Komajda教授:法国心血管领域杰出教授,ESC前主席。目前任职于巴黎第六大学萨博特慈善医院。主要研究领域为心力衰竭。

  International Circulation: ESC has maintained close cooperation with China in the field of cardiovascular disease prevention. What key take-home messages will the current ESC & GW-ICC Joint Forum provide the participants?

  Dr Komajda: Prevention is a key element in the healthcare of a population and the number of people who practice unhealthy lifestyles is significant all over the world. It is true in China. It is true in Europe. It is true in the Americans. I think the best way to avoid a bad lifestyle is through the alliance of associations, organizations, and scientists such as with the Great Wall International Congress of Cardiology meeting and the European Society of Cardiology, because we need to act together in order to fight against cardiovascular disease.

  《国际循环》:ESC与中国一直进行者心血管疾病防治的合作,本届ESC & GW-ICC联合论坛将为参会者传递哪些ESC2014年会的关键信息?


  International Circulation: ESC has released its latest guidelines for hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. What is your opinion on the main updates? And what impact will these updates have on the clinical diagnosis and treatment of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?

  Dr Komajda: The new guidelines insist on the fact that every patient suspected of having hypertrophic cardiomyopathy should have a thorough clinical examination and should also have an electrocardiogram and echocardiogram at rest and with exercise and other procedures if needed. Our guidelines also insist that because in most instances, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a genetic disease, it is not enough to just examine the patient but all the first-degree relatives should be examined because there are a number of asymptomatic relatives who will carry the disease in a single family.



  International Circulation: On the basis of standard anti-heart failure treatment, heart rate control can significantly improve the therapeutic efficacy in some patients, hence pure heart rate lowering drugs begin to enter the management program. How do you evaluate the role and prospects of heart rate control in the management of heart failure?

  Dr Komajda: Heart rate is not only a risk marker but also a risk factor in heart failure with low ejection fraction. When you use a pure heart rate-reducing agent such as ivabradine, it has been shown to reduce cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. I think we have probably overlooked the importance of heart rate as a risk factor in heart failure and we need to lower heart rate to around 60 beats/minute in all patients who are in sinus rhythm and with heart failure with low ejection fraction. This is the reason why the ESC guidelines have introduced ivabradine in addition to other medications including ACE-inhibitors or ARBs, beta-blockers and mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists.



  International Circulation: You are the author of a pocketbook which has now been translated into Chinese. You can tell us about this publication?

  Dr Komajda: The pocket guidelines are a very useful tool for physicians because we have no time to read the full text of long guidelines. The pocket guidelines are a condensed version that allows each cardiologist to quickly review what is most important for the diagnosis and management of cardiovascular disease. It is a very practical tool.



版面编辑:宁梦曼  责任编辑:聂会珍

ESC 肥厚型心肌病 心力衰竭

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