
[TCT2012]医生需找到双联抗血小板治疗的平衡点——Roxana Mehran专访

作者:国际循环网   日期:2012/10/26 17:15:41



  International Circulation: In less well-financed hospitals that may not have access to second generation stents, would you still suggest the same level of caution?
  Dr. Mehran: Absolutely. Everyone has access to second generation stents. In fact, first generation stents are also extinct in the US. In China, there has to be tremendous oversight for the first generation of drug-eluting stents through the physician guidance. It is important think about that as well.
  International Circulation: The PARIS trial may give confidence to doctors who are considering taking their patients off of DAPT. Do you have any personal tips for these doctors?
  Dr. Mehran: When it comes to first generation drug-eluting stents, I would not consider discontinuing therapy for at least the first six months. It should be an important circumstance. With the second generation, we have good enough data to show that beyond three months you can interrupt them under your guidance to watch them through a non-cardiac or surgical procedure when interrupting their DAPT. There are certain cases where you know that the bleeding complications are high, like in the elderly, in females, in small sized peatients. You do not want them to be taking these even with minor bleeding episodes. You are concerned they may not be compliant. It is best to think about those patients and consider discontinuing therapy in these patients if everything else equal. With that being said, this puts an underling importance on a randomized study. Before that, these are just observational, hypothesis-generating data. I do not think we can give any clear recommendations. We can only suggest that physicians are extremely important in the decision whether or not to stop duel antiplatelet therapy.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:张乐


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