
[WCC2012]Geoffrey T. Fong博士解析全球烟草控制政策评价项目

作者:  GeoffreyT.Fong   日期:2012/4/20 16:38:28


Dr Fong: The ITC Project is the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation Project and the report combines data from different ongoing research and surveillance projects

  <International Circulation>: Are these people surveyed at doctor’s visits?


  Dr Fong: No. These are general population surveys. In some countries, particularly the high income countries, it is by telephone; so random digit dialed surveys. In countries like China, and Thailand, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India and we are starting in some African countries (Zambia, Nigeria and Kenya) it is known as cluster sampling or hierarchical sampling. It covers different parts of those countries but it is not every single province or region. They are all probability samples so are representative of the area in which the sampling occurs. We have all kinds of protocols and the sampling procedures have a survey that is quite extensive; about 250 or 300 questions of which about 150 have to do with policy. For example, concerning warning labels, we have twelve or fifteen questions on noticing warnings in the last few months, thinking about the health risks of smoking, thinking about secondhand smoke, belief and awareness that smoking causes a list of diseases including cardiovascular diseases, attitudes and beliefs and one’s own perceived risk. We have all of these questions which relate to each of the policy domains – we have twelve to fifteen questions on warning labels; we have about fifteen to twenty about smoke-free. For example, the last time you were in a restaurant, was there any smoking at all? Since we have a random representative sample of smokers and non-smokers and they each report on the last time they were in a restaurant, then by proxy we have a random sample of restaurants in an area weighted by popularity. From this, we can get a fix on what is the prevalence of smoking and what is the percentage of restaurants in Beijing, for instance, that have smoke in them. It is actually around 85% to 95%. And nothing has changed since the smoke-free laws and nothing has changed since the Olympics initiative and so on. We are finding this across the different countries. Our general findings are that in China, the tobacco control policies are in need of strengthening. Taxes went up two years ago but prices haven’t changed and it is only when you have a state-owned tobacco industry that something like that can happen. So it is really not an effective policy for changing behavior if prices don’t change. There are warning labels on the back of every pack but it is in English. In a paper published in Tobacco Control, the main journal in the field, we show that over 90% of smokers don’t know what those words on the pack mean. It is another example of where policy is not working. They are going to increase the font size and so on, but really the ITC Project has been at the forefront of international work showing that graphic warnings work better and Article 11 Guidelines for packaging and labeling recommend very strongly that the parties to the FTCT, including China, should be implementing graphic warnings. In China there are tremendous challenges. I know there are strong forces that are preventing positive action from taking place in this horrific epidemic that is claiming over a million lives every year in China.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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